It's with great joy and pride that we regularly discover new births at the Zoo de Martinique.
These include Washu the atel monkey, numerous Emperor Tamarins and a litter of Ara parrots.

at the zoo

Washu and his mom

Washu is Ali's son. The Atele, also known as the kwata or spider monkey, is a diurnal, arboreal monkey that lives in the canopy of South America's primary forest. It hardly ever comes down to the ground, and is rarely seen in secondary forest. It is the fastest, most agile monkey in South America, aided by a long, prehensile tail that also acts as a balance beam during its somersaults.

September 6, 2023

Mahiri the baby anteater

This young male anteater was born at the Martinique zoo and was given the name Mahirï, chosen by our instagram followers. As the name anteater suggests, this animal feeds mainly on ants and termites, swallowing up to 30,000 a day. It rips open termite mounds with the claws of its front legs, then inserts its tubular snout into the opening.

It then searches the colony with its long 60 cm tongue, at a rate of 150 times a minute. It has no teeth, but its tongue is coated with a viscous saliva that becomes a death trap for termites.

Come and meet him at the zoo!

September 23, 2022